*This is the continuation of my previous post The Sweet Song Beckons. I advise you to read first that post before you lay your eyes in this new post of mine. Awkeish? =)---> Greek legend also tells us that another ship passed that way. And the Captain of that ship responded to the Sirens very differently than Ulysses.
Not far behind the ship of Ulysses came another great ship. These sailors also realized the dangers of the Sirens and the rocks upon which they sat.
"Captain Orpheus," the first mate enthusiastically declared, "the sweet song of the Sirens lies just ahead!"
With that announcement, the crew cheered and the great Orpheus smiled. All around the ship, crewmen's voices rang with excitement. The part of the voyage that they longed for was soon at hand. In fact, there were some in the ship who had come along just to hear the music.
With a knowing smile, the dauntless Captain received a beautifully adorned case from his cabin boy. The acclaimed Orpheus carefully removed the priceless instrument as the crewmen stood nearby with bated breath. Then, with princely grace, he lifted the instrument above his head with a gesture of victory, while the crew around him whistled with enthusiasm.
"Play it, Captain!" cheered the helmsman.
"Come on, great Captain Orpheus, play it!" whooped the enthusiastic first mate.
All eyes were transfixed upon their hero. Captain Orpheus took his stance and began to masterfully play the most perfect music men's ears had ever heard. Each crewmen became lost in the reverie of the song.
All too soon the Siren coastline was out of sight and the Master musician concluded the song that he himself had composed. Not a single man aboard ship was tempted by the Sirens' melody. In fact, no one even noticed it. Though the mermaids' music was alluring and sweet, the superb Orpheus played for his crew...a sweeeter song.
*For those of us who have spent years tied to the mast and for those of us who couldn't bear the allurment and crashed against the rocks, it's time to set sail to a different tune.
In our love-hungry generation we sruggle to believe that the "beautiful side of love" really exists. But the truth is, Hollywood can't even touch the version of love that is alive and real and in the heart and mind of God. It is the "sweeter song". And when you hear this "sweeter song" you, too, will realize that it is ten thousand times more magnificent than your most grandiose imagination.
The Sweeter Song
Posted by
Allysia Lopez
on Friday, December 19, 2008
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