Hello everyone! How’s life? ahmm. In my case, it’s perfectly fine. I’m so happy! =)

First of all, I want you to congratulate this girl here who had enrolled herself to college w/o her Mom by her side. Yipee! I felt so fulfilled! It’s my 1st step to become an independent college girl now. Heheh. Coz you know what? Ever since I was a child I’m always relying almost everything to my Mom. I’d say, “Mom could you do this, could you do that, I need this, I need that” and so on and so forth. Haiz. I’m used to my Mom helping me always. She’s there for me every time I need her. Hmmm.

Anyways, the whole enrollment process was so long and exhausting! I’m so worn-out! Plus the fact that I had to be out of bed 3 in the morning to catch the first trip of the bus then afterwards of the boat. I’m so sluggish with zero energy! Uhuh. There are loads of papers to fill-up, buildings I had to go (CPU has so many buildings. I had a prob which to tell what =’c) and the extensive line for the ID picture! I started lining 12:30 pm and I finished at about 3 pm! Imagine? Haiz. I had proven that Patience is truly a Virtue. It’s already dark when I arrived home. My Mom had to pick me up in the terminal station. Haiz.

It’s Ok. The thought that I had done all those things w/o relying to my Mom is so HaAaYy. The feeling is unexplainable! Heheh! =)


A big tnx to Tita Sonia and BFF Abby for everything! I really appreciate it! MwaAaHhxXx!


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